Its a damned shame hes leaving i have heard a few rumors..counting the new one started by the guy below that chef will in fact come back eventually and i totaly agree with the other guy below and i also have to say to the guy below the guy below me...(holy crap)...that your a fucking idiotic moron with no sense of humor who is probably deeply christian and just hates them because they make fun of your religion the creators of this fantastic show are the ones who tell the truth now a days on t.v. they just add comical twists to the events such as all priests being gay and touching little boy..scouts but comon back chef and for everyone who says different get a sense of humor about the real things happening in the world around you and then take a look at yourself and laugh to see how your fat lazy ass is NOT in fact helping at all the change any of the shit in this shit world..thank you 4/5!!!