that was just wow...what a jaw dropper!
that was just wow...what a jaw dropper!
to emo for me..
yes, it was pretty emo in the beginning, but did you watch the whole thing?
sorry... no
it looked... ok..
the style... wasn't yours (obviously)
and even though i gave it a 0/5 3/10 its still going to pass (obviously)
i know this also is meant to be a parody
but parodies are supposed to be ...well.. funny and/or mean
1. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See synonyms at caricature.
2. The genre of literature comprising such works.
well my opinion doesn't matter to you, but i still have a right to say it... say what you want in return im sure your just going to say something useless
I respect your opinion. I read all my reviews. But i wasnt claiming the style was mine. Or any of that sort. Gave credit to the cartoon it is based off of. So that means giving credit to the artist right?
Heres how it went
click tap click tap tap tap click click tap...boom...fall on foot...:Scream:.....boom....:s cream:
heres how i went
bored bored bored...holy crap...meh...holy
i liked it :D
Hey guys i just heard
Im gonna be a dad! BAM!! i always wanted to know who shot not any more bitch! i love the way this was tied into the first one, "hey i wonder what private skittles is doing up there..." "i dont know but it sounds HOT!" "oh hey look an abandoned tank!" lol that was the greatest you have to make more..........
hmm funny
not much of a point, and to LeoZ or whatever, your the idiot, C. is much hotter then F. (89C = 192F) moron, but the guy knows that, ok? Its all apart of the joke...grow up all of you fag little kids
anyhow i had to get that out, so, nice movie, make a few more of this kind and you could have some great stuff on your hands
to be
far to much text (i realize your telling the story but say it all in the intro with little glimpses of them fighting not all throughout the movie) for a short and if this is a short then make it into a short series but all in all its good nice song to go with it
Wtf is a "Blurb"?
Age 34, Male
Fort Collins, CO
Joined on 1/22/06